Covenant Membership at
church at denver
We firmly believe that following the biblical pattern, every believer should become a member of a local community of believers. This membership allows us to continually grow in grace and faith. Moreover, we strongly emphasize the concept of covenant membership, where each member of our church family enters into a covenant with one another. This covenant entails supporting and uplifting each other in accordance with the principles outlined in the New Testament.
why do we call
it membership?
Romans 12:3-5 reveals why we affectionately call one another "church members." In this scripture, Paul unveils the extraordinary reality of grace-infused differences – unique gifts, callings, and talents. It's as if each of us is a distinct part of God's masterpiece. Just as a human body functions harmoniously with its diverse parts or members, we, as the body of Christ, move through unity and through diversity. Our term "church member" goes beyond mere words; it encapsulates the essence of our heart to be united in Christ. We're not solitary pilgrims; we're part of an interconnected tapestry of faith. Embracing this truth, no matter the scale of our contribution, amplifies the greatness of God's kingdom. Our united journey magnifies His love, power, and goodness. Let's cherish our uniqueness, uniting our gifts to create a culture of revival, radiating love, healing, and transformation in a world hungry for The Gospel.
Why should
you become a member?
Joining a local church in covenant relationship is more than a simple decision – it's an invitation to an adventure with God and His people. The local church isn't just a building; it's a living organism, a family where you're known, celebrated, and empowered. Here, you'll find a wellspring of spiritual depth, a place to grow in the truth of God's word, and a launching pad for what God has planned for you. As God's people gather, His presence is known and felt by all. Together, we become a force of love, compassion, and change, shaking the foundations of darkness and extending the reign of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Your uniqueness, your voice, your gifts – they're all vital threads woven into the beautiful tapestry of this local church. So, come, dive in with expectant hearts, and let's chase after God's dreams for your life, transforming the world around us as a community desiring His glory.

You matter here
Matt Hearn - Lead Pastor
"There's something truly special about this church family, a place where you're not just another face in the crowd, but a cherished individual with a story that matters. As you step into this new chapter, you're not only joining a congregation but entering into a family that's ready to walk with you through life's highs and lows. The relationships you'll form here, the growth you'll experience, and the ways you'll impact lives are all reasons to be excited.
I can already imagine the countless conversations, the shared moments of worship, and the times of learning and discovery that await you. So,I want you to know that you are eagerly welcomed, celebrated, and loved here. As you take this step, remember that you're not alone in this journey. We're here to stand by you, to cheer you on, and to witness the beautiful ways God will use you to touch lives. Your presence matters more than you can imagine, and I can't wait to see the incredible ways you'll impact our church community.
Welcome, my friend. Your story is now intertwined with ours, and together, we're about to create something truly remarkable." - Matt Hearn
Check out our sermon series on membership
We understand that life's journey can be complex, and some have walked through seasons of pain or disappointment within church communities. We want you to know that our hearts are wide open, ready to embrace you just as you are, no matter where you've been or what you've experienced. If church hurt or hesitations have kept you on the sidelines, know that you're not alone in that journey. Here, we are a place of healing, restoration, and renewed hope. We long for the day when you feel safe to step into this spiritual family, to share your story, and to let us journey with you. Our desire is that, with time, you'll find solace in the genuine love, grace, and acceptance that flow within these walls. Your presence matters, and we're here, ready to walk alongside you as you discover the beauty of being truly known and deeply loved.