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Monday evenings 6:30-8pm

Image by Dan Meyers

Celebrate Recovery

We have all sinned and because of our sins we have hurt ourselves, those around

us and we have been hurt by others. Our relationship with God was broken and yet

through God’s ultimate love as a Father, He provided the means through the blood of

His son to provide repentance and recovery.


Celebrate Recovery® (CR) is a Christ-centered ministry of the Church at Denver that

provides a safe place for hurting people to get free from the hang-ups and habits that

cover up hurts.


Celebrate Recovery® (CR) does this by working an individual through the eight

recovery principles, found in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5: 3-12) and following 12

Christ-centered steps.


While CR is not a "fix" it is a journey where dedicated Christian leaders guide

individuals toward spiritual growth in Christ. Our small groups offer a safe and

confidential space for individuals to be honest about their issues and connect with

others who share similar experiences. Through personal responsibility and God's

grace, individuals can break free from addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional

behaviors and experience life-changing transformation.

Welcome Newcomers!

The purpose of Celebrate Recovery (CR) is to fellowship and celebrate God’s

healing power in our lives through the eight recovery principles found in the

Beatitutedes and Christ-centered 12 steps. This experience allows us to be

changed. We open the door by sharing our experiences, victories, and hopes with

one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our life


By working the Christ-centered steps and applying their biblical principles found in

the Beatitude, we begin to grow spiritually. We become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, joy,

and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.

As we progress through the principles and the steps, we discover our personal,

loving, and forgiving Higher Power – Jesus Christ.


Welcome to an Amazing Spiritual Adventure

Image by Dim Hou

Celebrate Recovery Small Groups WILL:

Provide you a safe place to share your experiences, victories, and hopes with others

who are going through a Christ-centered recovery.


Provide you with a leader who has gone through a similar hurt, hang-up, or habit, who will facilitate the group as it focuses on a particular principle each week.

The leader will also keep CRs “Five Small Group Guidelines.”


Provide you with the opportunity to find an accountability partner or a sponsor.


Encourage you to attend other recovery meetings held throughout the week.

Celebrate Recovery Small Groups WILL NOT:

Attempt to offer any professional clinical advice. Our leaders are not counselors.


Allow its members to attempt to “fix” one another.

Got Questions? 

If you have an interest in knowing more about CR, please contact the group ministry leader through the contact information provided.

Interested In Serving?

We are training Members of Church at Denver for CR leadership by walking each potential leader through the

eight principles and the 12 Christ-centered step study. If you are interested in knowing

more about CR leadership, please contact us.

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